Featured in Emotional Intelligence Magazine

Emotional Intelligence featured my structured morning journaling routine in their recent article, “Mental-Health Awareness: Take Back Control Over Well-Being.” So honored to have been included!

Here it is excerpted:

A critical part of my morning routine is journaling—I make myself a cup of hot coffee, jump back into bed, and begin a structured journaling practice. First, I release the worry and anxiety by freewriting those anxious thoughts. Creating that space then allows me to open up to gratitude. And I jot down two to five things going well and that I'm grateful for. These are things that I would normally skip over and not notice or recall when I'm stuck in the worry space. Finally, I write down a few affirmations to support my intention for the day. This practice enables a powerful shift from negative to positive in a compassionate way. I do it every morning, and it’s an empowering way to start the day.

Link to full article here.